Brain Odysseys - Creative recovery from brain injury
“After a three-month sleep I woke to a world where all my doors were closed. A few became ajar and now I have been handed a new key to the door of performing arts. A much happier, healthier way of living for this new unique me. Before I was Jennie. Now I am Jen. Now I can breathe on my own, speak, sing, dance on my own. These things I hold dear. I have learnt from experience; Not better now but stronger. I was Jennie and now I am Jen” - Stroke Odysseys Ambassador
Brain Odysseys is a 12-week performance programme for people living with the effects of stroke and brain injury. Rosetta Life deliver this programme online and in person across London, the Thames Valley, Bristol and Donegal. It has been evidenced to improve mobility, cognition and self-esteem. 172 people living with stroke in the community have been through the programme and 670 patients in hospital have experienced a short course of 2 – 3 workshops. The related programme Stroke Odysseys is part of the SHAPER research programme, looking at how effective arts interventions can be scaled up and embedded into clinical pathways.
“A transformative intervention that enables people facing recovery to imagine a new life with meaning and purpose” - Professor of Clinical Neurology and Neurorehabilitation, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London