

Professor Martin Marshall CBE Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners and a GP in Newham

Professor Martin Marshall is the Chair of the Nuffield Trust, Emeritus Professor of Healthcare Improvement at UCL and a non-executive director of the Royal Devon University Healthcare Trust.

Bill Boa web2

Bill Boa is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

Helen Chatterjee web2

Professor Helen Chatterjee is Professor of Human & Ecological Health at University College London. Her research includes biodiversity conservation and evidencing the impact of natural and cultural participation on health.

David Clayton Smith

David Clayton-Smith is the joint-Chair of Dorset HealthCare and Dorset County Hospital.

Dr Guddi Singh

Dr Guddi Singh is a Consultant Paediatrician, health campaigner and TV broadcaster based in London.

Debs Teale

Debbie Teale is a Consultant and Facilitator using her lived experience to empower people and inspire change.

Professor Martin Green OBE

Professor Martin Green OBE is Chief Executive of Care England. He is also an Independent Sector Dementia Champion for DHSC, and Commissioner of the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

Nancy Hey

Nancy Hey is Executive Director of the What Works Centre for Wellbeing, and a global leader in the field of wellbeing.

Auction MIOL45 DSC2159

Isabelle Paagman is Senior Contemporary art specialist and auctioneer with over two decades of experience.

Jane Thomas Headshot

Jane Thomas is a Poet, and Brand Communications professional. Jane is passionate about health inequalities, social justice and the arts.

Honorary President

NCCH's Honorary President is the The Right Honourable, Lord Howarth of Newport CBE. Following Lord Howarth's distinguished tenure as NCCH’s inaugural Chair, Lord Howarth stood down on 19th July 2024 to become President of the NCCH. He continues to support the organisation as an advocate for Creative Health.

Find out more about our NCCH President >>

Alan Howarth


Director – Alex Coulter (Part-time)

General Manager - Alexis Butt (Part-time)

Research and Policy Manager – Hannah Waterson (Full-time)

Find out more about our core Staff team >>

Creative Health Associate Programme Team (Part-time)

  • Programme Manager - Jayne Howard
  • East of England - Olivia Dean
  • London – Conni Rosewarne
  • Midlands- Jane Hearst
  • North East and Yorkshire - Alice Thwaite
  • North West - Elaine Ryan- McNeill
  • South West - Penny Calvert
  • South East - Esther Watts

Discover more about the Creative Health Associates Team >>

Our staff team are supported by freelance staff.

NCCH’s core staff team will be established during 2022. Subscribe to our NCCH mailing list or follow us on social media to find out more about future NCCH opportunities.

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Advisory Group

Since the publication of the Creative Health report in 2017, the development of the NCCH has been supported by an Advisory Group of people with expertise and experience from a broad range of disciplines and areas of activity.


Creative Health Champions

Creative Health Champions are a group of individuals who have come together in response to recommendation 3 in the Creative Health report, which calls on all NHS Trusts, Local Authorities, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Integrated Care Boards (previously Clinical Commissioning Groups), to identify an individual at board or strategic level to take responsibility for institutional policy on arts and health.

International Arts in Pharmacy Special Interest Group

The International Arts in Pharmacy Special Interest Group (SIG) is for pharmacy and other practitioners, educators, researchers, students, patients, carers, and others interested in imbedding creative thinking into pharmacy in the UK and globally. Artists and creative practitioners are very welcome.

GP Special Interest Group

This GP Special Interest Group (SIG) for Creative Health supports and inspires GPs who have a special interest in creativity, and who advocate for creative health within General Practice. The GP SIG is endorsed by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and is an inclusive group who welcome new members. They meet on a quarterly basis, but also communicate through a range of platforms including What’s App and bi-monthly newsletters. Also, the GP SIG holds an annual study day.