Move Dance Feel is an award-winning initiative offering dance to women living with and beyond cancer - any type of cancer, at any stage - including those supporting someone with cancer.
Established in 2016, their mission is to address inequality in cancer care by making dance available, as a mainstream activity, to all women affected by cancer.
Cancer is now viewed as a long term health condition. Three million people are living with cancer in the UK, predicted to rise to four million by 2030. The side effects of treatment often result in prolonged difficulties (e.g. disability, cognitive impairment, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, limited range of motion, poor mental health, body image disturbance, isolation). However, there is little access to holistic and ongoing support. Move Dance Feel fills this gap in cancer care, helping to alleviate the physical, mental, emotional and social health challenges associated with cancer.
Dancing is powerful in its ability to help people feel connected, move through limiting beliefs, and find relief from the seriousness of cancer - as one participant explains, “pain is replaced with joy”. The women of Move Dance Feel describe dancing as a “pursuit of wholeness”, in that it tackles the sense of fragmentation that occurs as a result of cancer treatment, and compartmentalised approaches to mainstream care.
Research shows that people who are physically active are better prepared for cancer treatment, respond better to treatment, recover more quickly following treatment, are more likely to maintain a sense of wellbeing, and can reduce their chances of cancer recurrence. Dance is a holistic form of physical activity, and its expressive nature helps participants form close relationships and process thoughts and feelings often difficult to articulate.
Guided by professional dance artists, Move Dance Feel offers free evidence-based dance sessions - delivered both in person and online. The company works closely with cancer support centres and services to integrate dance into their care programmes, and reach those who may not otherwise have access to dance.
Artists are highly trained in contemporary and community dance practice, and skilled in facilitating safe, accessible and creative experiences. They place importance on choice making and reciprocity, purposefully co-creating an environment that contrasts with archaic and hierarchical models of healthcare, resulting in greater feelings of resilience, belonging and agency.
“A sense of belonging and quiet solidarity.” - Participant
“I have learnt how to appreciate my body, to break away from not trusting it and being afraid of being in it.” - Participant
With a detailed understanding of the impact of cancer, Move Dance Feel has documented a pioneering methodology specific to leading dance in this context. For example, release-based movement practices are incorporated to support the release of tension, stress and trauma held in the body, and to encourage greater confidence in physical expression. As a result, the company offers educational talks and Dance in Cancer Care Training to share their methodology and research findings. Move Dance Feel’s approach to training brings together those working in both the health and the arts sectors, to fuel interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Move Dance Feel's expertise in dance, along with a specialist approach to research, leads to great and long-lasting benefits for participants. In seven years of operation, participants have reported a range benefits. These include:
Enhanced energy and a reduction in feelings of fatigue; Enhanced strength, balance, coordination, and range of motion; Improved sleep; Improved stamina; Enhanced cognitive performance; Improved memory; Increased concentration; Increased sense of body appreciation; Reduction in feelings of stress and anxiety and increased feelings of calm; Improved mood; Greater joy; Increased confidence; Reduced feelings of depression, worry and fear; Reduced feelings of loneliness; Enhanced sense of connection to others; Increased sense of safety and support; Enhanced sense of creativity and imaginative thinking.
“Dancing seems to allow me to express a part of myself which I don’t think I can express in any other way.” - Participant
Sample of Findings from In Person Activity
In 2018/19 Move Dance Feel worked with three leading cancer support organisations across London (Bromley by Bow Centre with Macmillan Social Prescribing, Maggie’s Barts and Paul’s Cancer Support Centre).
Evaluation found that wellbeing was improved across four key dimensions – positive emotion (joy, comfort, a sense of release), connection, self-expression and creativity, and accomplishment.
“It makes me feel the absolute joy of being alive!” - Participant
"I enjoy the opportunity for individual interpretation within a loose structure. I feel the class prompts my creativity which I find helpful at a time when the cancer feels out of my control.” - Participant
“I feel amazement that I can do movements that I thought were impossible to do because of my disability.” - Participant
Quantitative analysis showed:
86% of participants reported an extremely positive impact on stress and anxiety
44% felt an improvement in their perception of their body image
46% reported a clinically meaningful improvement in fatigue
42% reported a meaningful increase in Flourishing (subjective wellbeing)
The results are summarised in this Royal Society for Public Health article.
Sample of Findings from Online Activity
In 2020 the company developed Move Dance Feel Online, and increased their reach to a nationwide community.
Findings from a 2020/21 study of Move Dance Feel Online were summarised in four short films:
96% of participants report that dancing helps to improve their mood
89% of participants agreed that dancing helps them to feel more connected to others
63% of participants reported an increase in body appreciation
88% of participants agreed that Move Dance Feel has helped them manage their health and wellbeing
“It is a truly life-enhancing experience.” - Participant
“It is an enjoyable, sociable experience which makes my body feel fitter, which has a positive impact on my mental state.” - Participant
Please visit the evidence page on Move Dance Feel’s website for more findings and articles about their work.
Follow: @movedancefeel on Instagram, X, LinkedIn, Facebook
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