There are six creative health programmes in Warwickshire, and the Active Warwickshire Social Prescribing network which meets quarterly. Key focuses include wellbeing of parents and promoting early years secure attachment, mental health of children and young people, including co-production with young ambassadors, as well as adult mental health. These programmes work through community social prescribing and clinical referrals, and for the Adults Arts/Nature on Prescription programme there is the option for self-referral. Programmes include Arts for Dementia and Singing for Lung Health. Key learnings include the fact that not all participants finish the programmes, and the Council have had to look at equipping practitioners with the right training to deal with challenging mental health issues. The Council uses WEMWEBs scale for evaluation, and is working closely with Coventry University to gather data (including quantitative) about the impacts of these programmes.
Next steps include reporting into Integrated Care Partnerships (ICPs) once established and looking towards the ICS for possible funding for these programmes from 2024.