This is an International Arts in Pharmacy Special Interest Group (SIG) for pharmacy and other practitioners, educators, researchers, students, patients, carers, and others interested to imbed creative thinking into pharmacy in the UK and globally. Artists and creative practitioners are very welcome.

The International Arts in Pharmacy SIG aims to:

  • Create an exciting platform to share new possibilities for pharmacy across diverse health and social care communities.
  • Stimulate the use of creative research methodologies to produce new forms of knowledge and evidence for policy and practice.
  • Innovative creative education for pharmacy.

We hold online events to share experiences of research, education, and practice to grow arts in pharmacy, such as social prescribing. The group will share news of creative arts-health events, resources, conferences, publications, and other outputs.

Join us to start the Arts in Pharmacy global movement. Sign up to our International Arts in Pharmacy SIG Member Mailing List >>

The International Arts in Pharmacy SIG is Chaired by Dr Ranjita Dhital, a Pharmacist, Sculptor & Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Health Studies, Arts and Sciences Department, UCL, UK.

If you are interested to become a Steering Group Member of this group please email Ranjita on If you'd like to volunteer to run a session, please let Ranjita know to arrange this. We can share a Zoom link and publicise the event.

The National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH) is the Secretariat for the International Arts in Pharmacy SIG, and on behalf of the Pharmacy SIG, NCCH will send out information to those interested in creative health work through occasional emails to this subscribed International Arts in Pharmacy SIG Member Mailing List. These emails will contain information about regular Pharmacy SIG meetings, as well as general news and updates from the Pharmacy SIG, about creative health research, practice and education nationally and internationally.

Upcoming events

Architecture of Pharmacies: Counter Culture Exhibition

29th - 7th June 2024, The Bromley by Bow Centre, East London

“What should the pharmacy of the future look like?" The Architecture of Pharmacies study seeks to reimagine community pharmacy health spaces. Researchers from University College London Dr Ranjita Dhital and Joseph Cook invite you to Pharmacy Counter Culture exhibition.

The exhibition is open to the public without booking during weekdays (11am to 5pm), for events please sign up here >>

Exhibition Programme >>

Discover more via our latest International Arts in Pharmacy SIG email >>