Alex Coulter


Alex Coulter has been Director of the National Centre for Creative Health since it launched in 2021. She was Director of Arts & Health South West (AHSW) from 2010 until the organisation closed in 2024. In that role she provided the secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPG) and project managed the APPG’s two-year inquiry which led to the publication of the Creative Health report in 2017. AHSW delivered three Culture Health and Wellbeing International Conferences and along with colleagues in the field helped set up the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance (CHWA) and the Lived Experience Network (LENs). The NCCH works closely with CHWA and the LENs.

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Hannah Waterson

Research and Policy Manager

Hannah joined NCCH as Research and Policy Manager in 2022. After completing a PhD related to health promotion and policy, she worked in policy research and media roles before returning to the University of Manchester as a lecturer in healthcare sciences, working in research and evaluation on a range of projects related to public health and health inequalities. There she developed an interest in creative health, co-developing and delivering a course on arts and public health. She is excited to be able to promote evidence-based policy and practice around creative health in this new role.

To contact Hannah email research[at]