Theme 1 - Mental Health and Wellbeing across the Life Course

Roundtable: Thursday October 27th 2022 10am - 12 noon

An increasing number of people are living with mental health conditions, but many face barriers in accessing NHS services. With a new long-term government strategy planned to address these issues, this theme looked at how creative health can be used to improve mental health and wellbeing.

Watch the recording of this roundtable here >>

Roundtable overview and recommendations >>

Theme 2 - Health Inequalities

Roundtable: Thursday December 1st 2022 -10am - 12 noon

People living in less wealthy areas, and people from certain populations die earlier and have a poorer quality of life than others. Creative health approaches can be used to improve health outcomes, and to develop culturally appropriate and accessible services. We know that where people are born, live, work and age has a huge impact on their health and so this theme looked beyond healthcare, also thinking about the role of culture and creativity in improving the places people live and strengthening communities.

Watch the recording of this roundtable here >>

Roundtable overview and recommendations >>

Theme 3 - Social Care

Roundtable: Thursday January 26th 2023 - 10am-12 noon

In this theme, we looked at how the innovative ways in which creative health improves the health and wellbeing of people in social care and how creative health approaches can help tackle some of the challenges the sector faces.

Watch the recording of this roundtable here >>

Roundtable overview and recommendations >>

Theme 4 - End of Life Care and Bereavement

Roundtable: Tuesday February 7th 2023 10am - 12 noon

Creative approaches are commonly used in end of life care to improve wellbeing and quality of life, helping people to process and express emotion and maintain human connection. Creativity can also play an important role during bereavement and grief.

Please note, during this Roundtable we discussed death and dying, and feelings around bereavement, and included some participants talking explicitly about their experiences of loss.

Watch the recording of this roundtable here >>

Roundtable overview and recommendations >>

Theme 5 - Education and Training

This theme includes two roundtables on Tuesday March 21st 2023

10-11.30am (Session 1):Creativity for health and wellbeing in the education system
This roundtable looked at the value of incorporating creativity within the education system particularly in relation to mental health and emotional development of children. With increasing concern around the mental health of children and young people, and the lasting impacts on health and wellbeing into adulthood, we will look at creative and cultural programmes within schools. We discussed how to ensure that such activities are available to all, and how the health and wellbeing benefits can be maximised through embedding creative health into the education system.

Watch the recording of this roundtable here >>

Roundtable overview and recommendations >>

2-3.30pm (Session 2): Creative health - workforce development and wellbeing

In order to fully embed creative health into health and social care and wider systems, it will be necessary to nurture a skilled workforce and a health and social care sector that fully understands the benefits of creativity. This roundtable identified existing opportunities for education, training and workforce development in creative health, and considered how skilled creative health practitioners can be best utilised in the delivery of health and social care. We also considered how creativity can support the health and wellbeing of the workforce.

Watch the recording of this roundtable here >>

Roundtable overview and recommendations >>

Theme 6 - Cost-effectiveness, Evidencing Value for Money and Funding Models

Roundtable: Thursday April 27th 2023 - 10am - 12 noon

It is important that we can explain and justify investment in creative health. This may require the development of new ways to measure cost-effectiveness and social value. This theme looked at how we demonstrate the value of creative health. We also considered sustainable funding and commissioning models for the sector.

Watch the recording of this roundtable here >>

Roundtable overview and recommendations >>

Theme 7 - Leadership and Strategy - Embedding Creative Health in Integrated Care Systems

Roundtable: Tuesday May 16th 2023 - 10am - 12 noon

Work is already underway to integrate creative health into health systems and across local authorities. Building on this, we identified best practice for embedding creative health and considered how this can be further supported by national policy.

Watch the recording of this roundtable here >>

Roundtable overview and recommendations >>

Find out more about the Creative Health Review Here >>