
Bill Boa

Founding Trustee & Treasurer

Bill Boa

Founding Trustee & Treasurer

Bill Boa is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

Bill is a Trustee and Director of Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) which is the national institute for health data science, where he chairs the Finance and Audit Committee. He worked for nearly 30 years in the NHS as Chief Finance Officer of organisations including Barts Health NHS Trust, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children NHS Foundation Trust. Bill also worked at the former South West Strategic Health Authority. He continues to work with Hospitals and Health systems through his own company: Boa & Associates Consultancy Limited which he founded in 2013. Bill is also a Trustee and Director of Arts & Health South West. Bill is a qualified Executive Coach and associate of the Institute of Learning and Management.

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