GP SIG member Clare Etherington, reviews a new book by fellow GP SIG member Rupal Shah 'Fighting for the Soul of General Practice- The Algorithm Will See You Now'

At the launch of Rupal Shah and Jens Foells’ book 'Fighting for the Soul of General Practice- The Algorithm Will See You Now', it was described by several people as a ‘ new GP classic’.

The book is a love story to general practice, warts and all, sharing two longstanding GPs reflections, patient stories, all located firmly in the current context of targets, measurement and regulation. The tongue in cheek reference to the ‘ algorithm’ is not a Luddite reflex, but questions the utility of systems if we remove humanity. The book considers the role of GPs as ‘street level bureaucrats’, juggling the demands of the ‘system’ with the desire to respond to people as individuals. Who do we and should we represent?

The launch was hosted by the Association of Narrative Practice in Healthcare. It was chaired by John Launer, with presentations by Arthur Frank and Danielle Spencer. The room was filled with people linked with Jens and Roo, as family, friends, colleagues and readers. There was a massive buzz of people meeting on line acquaintances face to face, meeting people from their past, and making new connections. The talks generated questions that went on long beyond the expected time, and ultimately had to be brought to a close by John Launer, to allow informal time for food and stories. I heard people promising to meet, book titles and other nuggets being shared, and further events being planned.

The book melds academic theory with humanity. The presentations at the launch place the book in the wider context of narrative medicine and patient experience. More questions are posed than answers given, but the passion of the authors and of the readers show us how much energy and commitment is there to ensure general practice is about care as well as treatment.

Watch the Launch here >>

Written by Clare Etherington, Member of the NCCH GP Special Interest Group for Creative Health (GP SIG) supported by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).

This RCGP SIG has been set up to support and inspire GPs who have a special interest in creativity, and who advocate for creative health within General Practice.

We are an inclusive group who welcome new members who share our passion or who are interested in finding out more. The GP SIG welcomes GP practice-wide membership from primary healthcare professionals. So, if you are a GP (retired GP), representing a GP Practice team, Medical Student, or Clinical Practitioner and want to find out more click here for more information >>

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