APPG Webinar on Creative Health and Prevention
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Creative Health Webinar
Creative Health and Prevention, March 25th 2-4pm.
Join the APPG on Creative Health’s webinar on Creative Health and Prevention to explore how creative health approaches and activities can support the shift from treating sickness to preventing it.
Building an NHS Fit for the Future is one of the key missions set out by the Labour Government. The consultation on the new 10-Year Health Plan builds on Lord Darzi’s Independent Investigation of the NHS which highlighted the major challenges facing the NHS and proposed three shifts:
- Moving more care from hospitals to communities
- Embracing digital transformation and shifting from analogue to digital
- Shifting from treating sickness to preventing it
Hear from keynote speakers: the Minister for Public Health, the Shadow Minister for Health and Care, and Professor Sir Michael Marmot, followed by a roundtable discussion with practitioners, people with lived experience expertise, academics and policy makers. Following this event the National Centre for Creative Health will be producing a policy briefing on Creative Health and Prevention.
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